When You Should Not Get a Massage

Massage is a great tool for reducing stress, managing pain, and boosting circulation. However, there are times when a massage might not cut the mustard. In this article, we will give you the info you need to know when to take a rain check on a massage for your own health.


When You’re Infectious:

If you’re a walking petri dish of germs, for instance, with a case of the flu or a cold, it’s best to call in sick for your massage. It’s a no-brainer to reschedule your massage when you have no symptoms. This keeps your therapist and other clients from having symptoms of infection.


When You’re Battling an Injury:

If you have a cut and are seeking pain relief even a minor trauma you may not want to rub salt in the wound by getting a massage in the acute stage of your symptoms. Applying pressure or kneading the area can cause more damage, halt the healing process, and potentially exacerbate the injury. Your injury must be on the mend before you get a massage.


When You’re Running a Fever:

If you have a fever and you get a massage, it can make you feel hot under the collar. Massages can increase blood flow to lymph nodes, which can speed up the fever’s progress, making you feel even more miserable. Keep your therapist, and other clients safe, and wait until your symptoms are back to normal before scheduling your massage.


When You’re Dealing with Skin Woes:


If your skin is broken, or you’ve got athlete’s foot, bacterial skin infection, open wounds, or other skin conditions please wait and see a medical doctor for the affected area before you get a massage. Rubbing it can cause more pain and discomfort, making skin conditions even worse. You should wait until the skin condition has cleared up before you get a massage.

If You Have a Blood Clot or other High Risk Circulation Issues:

If you have blood clots, deep tissue massage can cause a DVT, otherwise known as deep vein thrombosis, which can cause further medical conditions like a stroke. High blood pressure can also be cautioned as massage treatment can cause increased blood flow and the potential of a blood clot, or for example, a heart attack or pulmonary embolism. Don’t get a massage before talking to your doctor as massage increases the risk of a life-threatening medical condition. Physical therapy may be a better therapy for you.

For Autoimmune Diseases

If you have severe and moderate hemophilia, rheumatoid arthritis, or other health conditions you might increase your symptoms. If you have medical conditions talk to your medical doctor for a high risk of life-threatening internal bleeding. Liver enzymes can affect your body’s inflammation increasing the possibility of liver failure. If you are a patient with cancer of the lungs might be an example of a reason why you may want to consult your doctor. Certain health conditions can increase the symptoms or risk of infection.

Brain and Spinal Cord Injuries or Trauma

If you recently had broken bones, fractures, or muscle or soft tissue trauma, you should wait for that to heal before seeing a massage therapist. The same goes for severe illness that affects

Recent Surgery

If you’ve just recently had surgery, then it may be best to talk make a physician or physical therapist appointment and have them refer you out to a massage appointment. Typically you should wait 4-6 weeks before you get massage. Always talk to your therapist so they can avoid areas that might aggravate your symptoms.




In a nutshell, while massages can be the bee’s knees, certain circumstances might be like a dog’s breakfast. Being cautious and taking the necessary precautions can help make your massage experience a bed of roses, rather than a thorn in your side.