Have headaches often? Ever wonder how to massage them yourself so they’ll go away? If so you’re in the right place!

If we talk about headaches, they are a very common health problem with a significant impact on every individual. According to the study of the Global Burden of Disease (GBD), headaches are the most prevalent and disabling medical condition worldwide.

It is really important to figure out the cause of your headache once you start feeling better. That ranges from changes in environment, eating habits, stress, any other muscle pain, and activities.

Today, we will talk about the potential triggers of headaches and the proven massage remedies that will help you get rid of them.


Massage Techniques that can give you relief from Headache

Are you struggling with random headaches that are continuously affecting your life and overall well-being? Fortunately, there are some proven massage therapy techniques for headaches that can give you instant relief. Below, we will talk about some self massage that you can do for immediate relief, and 4 massage therapies that we offer at IMMERSE Modern Massage for headaches relief, pain, and stress reduction.


Self Massage Technique For Headache Relief

To get rid of tension headaches or migraine headaches immediately, self-massage is one of the proven techniques. This is a very simple massage that the person suffering from headaches can do themself. This is a 5 simple step therapy consisting of the following:

  1. Firmly press your thumbs together and onto the area right below your forehead, which is the bridge of your nose. Take ten deep breaths and hold for ten seconds. Repeat this step 5 times.
  2. Now, near the nasal bridge, position the pads of your thumbs just underneath your forehead. Firmly apply pressure upward toward your forehead. While maintaining this pressure for ten seconds, take deep breaths. Repeat it 5 times. 
  3. Hold and pinch for ten seconds between your eyebrows. Inhale deeply, repeat this five times.
  4. For 10 seconds, apply consistent pressure with your middle three fingers firmly into the sides of your temple in a little circular motion. Then breathe deeply and repeat this 5 times.
  5. Try to drink plenty of water after this self-massage to help flush out toxins.


Portland Massage Therapy at IMMERSE Modern Massage

The Portland massage therapists at IMMERSE Modern Massage have some of the best techniques for headache relief, and we even have a comprehensive plan of care for each individual that comes through our doors for headache and pain relief!

Some of the popular massage that we offer at IMMERSE are the following:

Swedish Massage Therapy

Swedish massage is one of the most common types of massage therapies that Portland offers. Swedish massage is a therapy in which we use rhythmic pressure methods that relax the muscles. The primary goal of this massage therapy is to improve blood circulation and relax the whole body. Plus, Swedish massage can enhance general health and overall health, too. The primary subject of this method is to elevate mood, address health issues, and release depression. 

Deep tissue Massage

Deep Tissue Massage works on deeper layers of muscle to help create better posture for the neck and shoulders. This type of massage is very beneficial for most chronic pains and headaches. I’ve seen people go from having headaches for 20 years, to in 5 sessions and working on their posture not having headaches at all.

Scalp Massage

When the headache strikes, a scalp massage can be really beneficial. As it provides stress relief, it improves blood circulation and leads to headache relief. It can be done by the therapists or by the patient themself. The technique of an effective scalp massage is to apply pressure through the fingertips and give little strokes in a circular motion. The scalp massage includes the forehead, temples, neck, and shoulders. Scalp massage is the most common and effective massage technique that will help you with your headache.

For more in-depth knowledge, click here: Unlock Relief: Portland Massage Therapy


Aromatherapy is known as one of the most effective ways to get relief from headaches. It uses essential oils (plant extracts) that are known to promote a sense of relaxation among humans. Basically, it works through the sense of smell and skin absorption. This can be done through the use of diffusers, fragrant spritzers, inhalers, bath salts, and essential oil massage. Some of the popular essential oils used in aromatherapy are peppermint oil, lavender oil, rosemary oil, and chamomile oil. 

Note:  it is important to note that all essential oils should be diluted with carrier oils before application. For more information, click here on aromatherapy.

Understanding Types of Headaches and their Potential triggers

There are many types of headaches, but the most common ones are tension and migraine. If we talk about tension headaches, it mainly strikes due to the tightening of the head and neck muscles. And the migraine is mainly when any of our supersensitive nerves causes pain.  But the main point is, what makes these muscles tense? When we track the causes of tension headaches, the most common triggers are the following:

  • Stress
  • Lack of sleep
  • Fatigue
  • Hunger 
  • etc

After tracking down the triggers of the migraine, we have noticed that the above-given triggers of tension headaches can also lead to migraines. But still, it is trickier as the factors causing migraine could be complex and multiple. Among the most common causes of migraine headaches following are the prominent ones:

  • Smoke or being in the surroundings of a smoking person
  • Food allergies (certain foods can also cause migraine-like sugar)
  • Abnormal intake of caffeine
  • Eyesight problems
  • Neck muscles and neck pain can also cause migraines 

Note: if you want to learn more about this particular cause of the headache, learn more here how neck pain can cause headaches

Final Thoughts

As we have discussed the types and the causes of headaches, the one thing that was really common was the muscles and stress. That can be addressed with a slight improvement in our daily routine. If we keep taking care of ourselves with regular exercise, a healthy diet, and yoga practice, we can reduce random headaches significantly. Studies have also found that regular yoga can be a great treatment for chronic stress and migraines. Besides stress and headaches, yoga for overall health and well-being is also very beneficial. 


To keep yourself safe and away from headaches, exercise and yoga are precautions that mostly everyone can take to alleviate their headaches needs. Then, if you do have a headache, try opting for the above massage techniques for instant relief.