panoramic shot of chiropractor massaging neck of man

If you’re looking for the best chiropractor Portland has to offer for treatment of migraines and neck pain related issues, look no further than an article that explains exactly how to get the best relief possible from the combination of massage therapy and chiropractic care.

Massage Therapy and Chiropractic Care

back pain

Massage therapy and NUCCA chiropractic are two complementary therapies that can help individuals achieve natural migraine relief.


Massage therapy involves specific manipulation of the upper neck muscles and other soft tissues to alleviate pain, improve range of motion, and promote relaxation. There are many different types of massage therapy, including Swedish massage, deep tissue massage, and sports massage, each of which can be tailored to meet the specific needs of the individual.


NUCCA, on the other hand, stands for National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association, and it is a specialized form of chiropractic care that focuses on the gentle re-alignment of the Atlas vertebra located in the upper cervical spine. 


NUCCA chiropractic is a unique form of chiropractic care that is based on the principle that the alignment of the upper cervical spine is essential for proper blood flow to the brain, as well as proper nervous system function. The upper cervical spine houses important arteries that supply the brain with blood as well as the brainstem. The brain stem controls many vital functions in the body, including breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure. Misalignments in the upper cervical spine can cause compromise blood flow to the brain as well as overall brain stem function. It’s very common for migraine sufferers to have an atlas misalignment from injuries accumulated from sports, falls, and most commonly car crashes. 


NUCCA chiropractors use gentle, precise adjustments to realign the atlas vertebrae and restore proper nervous system function. These adjustments are safe, painless, and effective, and they can provide long-lasting migraine relief.


If the atlas is misaligned it is imperative to re-align it as well as apply specific massage therapy to the upper neck muscles to ensure the best outcome with migraine headaches. When used together, massage therapy and NUCCA chiropractic can offer a long-term solution to migraines as well as provide a comprehensive approach to health and wellness. 


If you are interested in massage therapy or NUCCA chiropractic, it is important to find a qualified practitioner who is experienced in both therapies. Look for a massage therapist who is qualified in myofascial release as well as a chiropractor who is certified in NUCCA chiropractic. It is also important to communicate your needs and goals to your practitioner so that they can develop a personalized treatment plan that meets your specific needs.


In conclusion, massage therapy in conjunction with NUCCA chiropractic are two incredible therapies that can provide safe natural migraine relief. NUCCA chiropractic can address the upper neck misalignment whereas massage therapy can help to restore the integrity of the upper neck muscles. Both can alleviate pain and promote relaxation, which can improve overall health and wellness. 

If you are interested in nucca chiropractic, click here!

If you are interested in massage therapy, click here!

Written By Dr. Corey Burt

Dr. Corey Burt, “The Neck Doc”, is an Upper Cervical Specialist who owns and directs Elite Upper Cervical located in Beaverton, Oregon. He is on a mission to help one million people recover naturally from Migraine headaches caused by neglected neck injuries. Dr. Burt has had extensive training in the NUCCA chiropractic procedure, which is a specific approach to analyzing and correcting the upper cervical spine. There are only ~250 NUCCA chiropractors in the world.